Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Pics of the kids

Here we have Scarf! and Whirrly enjoying some sun time on their own. I think this was something like 3 days after I brought Whirrly Girl home. Bad match, I guess.

But seriously, the two girls just acted like they'd been wondering where the other was. They immediately started playing hide and seek and shared the food bowl - no problem. Of course, Whirrly ran right up to Bun when he was eating and poked her nose into his bowl so maybe it's more a reflection on her determination (or stupidity).

Even Bun is forced to submit to Whirrly's demands to share the sweet spot. He's doing his best to ignore her.
"Just keep your eyes shut. If you don't look into it's eyes, you won't provoke it."

Whirrly continues her endless bathing. Got her home from the shelter only to discover a few days later that she had a kitty contagious skin issue. Stupid shelter.

She's wondering why you'd even be looking at her. Why are you not petting her sweet sweet belly? Fool!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

ys1 - Favorite! Posted by Picasa
ys 4 - Drive in to Yellowstone through the Teton park. Posted by Picasa
ys 3 Posted by Picasa
This did not happen to us but I liked the shot. Can you see the guy standing up in that safari hatch on the top of the coach? Not sure because of the super high crap factor.Posted by Picasa
This is what a snowcoach looks like. I somehow did not manage to take an actual photo of one and had to look online. Sorry for the crap factor. Posted by Picasa
ys6 - Snowcoach ride into the park. You can see that it's that flat blue/gray light that's so hard to downhill ski in because you can never really spot the terrain. Same deal with the coach - we would end up flying over the moguls created by the snowmobiles. Was more like a boat ride. Posted by Picasa
ys 5 - Ms. Meg and the fun dad from the mentionitis family. Posted by Picasa
ys 1 - Ms. Meg on the super delicious path to the river. The snowcoach drivers stopped every day and hand shoveled the path clear. Not a small job when you consider that this was basically the beginning of the snow season and the path is already almost waist deep. Posted by Picasa
ys 2 - A stop on the Snowcoach ride in. To the left is a steaming waterfall where the thermals heat the stream but this is just pure frosty pretty. Posted by Picasa
ys 3 - Meg's requested glamour shot. It looked like a Dr.Suess tree at the time. Posted by Picasa
ys 6 - This was a stop on the Snowcoach ride in. The snow banks are seriously about 5 feet high on the edges of the river. No big animals here as they'd have to wade through some serious snow so there's no tracks - only perfectly as it fell snow. Posted by Picasa
ys5 Posted by Picasa
ys 4 - The steaming waterfall. Is somewhat hard to see here but I only had one place to shoot from as every other spot was under 4 feet of snow. Posted by Picasa
ys 7 - Super frosty cold snow and then a plume of dang hot air. Wyoming is weird. Posted by Picasa
ys 8 - Meg on the x-country ski "boardwalk."  Posted by Picasa
ys10 Posted by Picasa